
  When Solutions Design bv was founded in 1996, it focused on consultancy and the development of company websites. Growing with the popularity of the internet, websites became more and more interactive and database driven.
We decided that repeatedly programming data-access layers for web applications should be automated, which resulted in the open source tool LLBLGen. With extensions, new features and a powerful interface, this tool grew into the current commercial version: LLBLGen Pro. Since the end of 2002, Solutions Design bv has mainly focused on this internationally well known and popular O/R mapper and code-generator. It is in use at very large companies, among which many are on the Fortune 100 list.
To show the power of LLBLGen Pro, we built the open source support forums HnD, which stands for Help and Discuss. You can see it in action on our LLBLGen Pro forums.


O/R mapper and code-generator LLBLGen Pro helps software developers build solid n-tier .NET applications fast and easy.

Using LLBLGen Pro, the development time of your project can be decreased with over 50%! The program generates a complete data-access tier and business façade/support tier (in C# or VB.NET), using an existing database schema set. LLBLGen Pro In seconds...

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