yourminds1 Came here to have a good laugh did you? Preferably at the cost of men? Then you came to the right place.

One warning is in order here though:
Don't repeat these jokes in the presence of a man. His sense of humor differs slightly from yours. Approximately the difference between heaven and earth.
do's and don'ts
his mind


If they can put one man on the moon, why not all of them?

How many men does it take to screw in a lightbulb? will screw anything.

At the coctail party, one woman said to another: "Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?"
The other replied: "Yes I am, I married the wrong man.

Marriage is grand, divorce is about ten grand...
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and an expert in maken breakfast.

Three words guaranteed to destroy any man's ego: "Is it in?"
Three words most hated by men (after "Is it in?"): "Are you done?"

In the midst of a quarrel, the husband bitterly yells at his wife: "I was such a fool when I married you!"
Restorts his wife: "That's so true, but I was in love and didn't notice.

Love is blind, but marriage is an eye-opener.
A woman put a "husband wanted" in the classifieds.
The next day, she received 100 responses, which all said the same:
"You can have mine."

What's a man's idea of foreplay?
A half hour of begging.
Q: What's the difference between men and pigs?
A: Pigs don't turn into men when they're drunk.

When a man opens the door of his car for his woman, you can be sure of one thing: either the car is new or the woman.

All the women moaning about finding a husband obviously never had one...
Why are blond jokes so short?
So men can remember them.

Most men prefer looks to brains because they see better than they think.

How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper?
We don't know - it's never happened.
The average man is proof that women can take a joke.

How are men and parking spots alike?
The good ones are always taken and the ones that are left are handicapped.
What does a man consider a seven course meal?
A hot dog and a six pack of beer.

A man who belittles a woman in public is only trying to pull her down to his size.

What's the difference between a man and E.T.?
E.T. phoned home.

What do you call a man who's lost 95% of his brain?
A widower!

What did God say after he created man?
"I can do better than this."
How do man exercize at the beach?
By sucking in their stomachs every time they see a bikini.

Remarks, reactions, questions and other nonsense to send us? Email: